Since I haven't been around in a while, I thought I'd catch you up with some photos. I live in a quite boring part of Berlin right now. There's a very green park nearby and some expensive but lame restaurants, but that's really it.
Oh, once there was some sort of biker pride parade which was slightly amusing:
The only thing remotely gay thing that I have discovered in a 5 kilometre radius was this:
Yes, that's an urn!!
So I'm trying to work with what I got. I go running in the park every second day and go elsewhere for amusement. Like here (demonstrating):
Or here, a funny club/restaurant in Prenzlauer Berg that reminded me of the Titty Twister in From Dusk Till Dawn (minus Vampires unfortunately):
And accidentally even here:
(oiijj: That is I think the closest piece of the Berlin wall from where I live but I am not 100% sure)
So Rilo Kiley played at the Lido yesterday. I haven't been there before, but i love the place now. It has the perfect size for a band like Rilo Kiley.
Things I wanted to tell you about the show (other than that it was awesome!):
- Did you notice her outfit? It's adorable!
- Before they started playing 15, Jenny Lewis asked if anyone in the audience was fifteen. One of the very excited first-row-fan-girls standing in front of me screamed "I can be if you want me too!", which Jenny repeated into the microphone. The girl who had screamed this was maybe 16 or 17, and jumping up and down at this point. Cute.
- The new album Under the Blacklight will not come out here until october. So when the played the first song out of it, they recommended downloading it off the net for free.
- The only thing that was a little disappointing: They did not play Papillon or The Frug.
- Thanks to the "burst mode" of my crappy camera i took a ton of pictures (211 to be exact).
I have been tagged with yet another taggy thing by Socky. I think I am supposed to write this: "Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about -- it can be anything from my favorite shirt to my cell phone. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry, and I'll take the pictures and post them." (I am a little scared of this one, but try to shock me) In other news, I went to the Tegan & Sara concert yesterday. I pretty much forgot to take pictures because my camera was annoying me, but it was great. I'm not really into their newer stuff that much, but they are good live. Also i met Amy, yay! That was really nice. The rest of the audience was very gay too, of course. And there were some emo-looking boys. With bangs. Crying I assume. Anyways here are the two pictures i took that actually turned out ok-ish.
i'm kind of late with this, i hope i'll find someone to tag..
These are the rules:
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
1) i like birds. i even feel sorry for the pigeons in the city, because they often have crippled feet.
2) if i could choose to live in any city of the world for one year starting today, i would pick istanbul.
3) i love going to cafés, but i've come to hate most of the coffee chains. i think starbucks is a waste for someone who actually likes the taste and smell of coffee.
4) my sister is the only reason i know any gossip at all. i know secrets though.
5) i am definitely one of those people whose state of mind is reflected in the state of their room. if my head is a mess, my appartment is too. there could be a mathematical equation in that somewhere.
6) i will never find out though, because i am ignorant when it comes to mathematics. i refused to learn it in high school after 9th grade. that is no exaggeration. the new math books i got in the beginning of the year were untouched the next summer when i gave them back.
7) i will try every social networking tool on the internet, at least for a short time, but i lose interest fast.
8) i had an obsession with tools when i was a kid. or every toy that was a realistic miniature replica of something. i didn't like anything that was made with wrong proportions or was decorated for kids (pink hair dryers for dolls? ew ). i also liked playmobil better than lego.
i also tag persona, evaini and pippi who have no blogs yet *hint* (maybe you can post your facts in the comments section . . . or if you don't want to just tell me to leave you alone) i can't think of anyone else right now.
Todays film: Be with me by Eric Khoo. I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago in the theatre. I'm not usually someone who cries at movies, but i was sobbing at the end of this film. If you get the chance, go watch it on a big screen, it's awesome and beautiful and very touching in a non-cheesy way. And if that's not enough reason to watch it, know that there are gay girls in this movie too ;)
writing in german all day my english seems to escape me these days. i have watched a few movies that i liked a lot but since i'm always blogging late at night these days and also talked about the films on msn a lot (-->you probably already heard me blabble about them), i will just list them here and give you two or three good reasons to watch them(if you havent yet). Les Poupées Russe: a) it's the sequel of L'Auberge Espangole (or Euro Pudding if you are from America) and that film is awesome. b) Cécile De France+ gayness = me smiling // the little lesbian subplot is not exactly free of clichés, but it's hilarious. c) the street of ideal proportions. you need to find out what that is. seriously. Party Monster: a) 80s costumes galore mixed with crazy amounts of drugs and gay boys. How can anyone say no to this? b) Macaulay Culkin - that might just be a reason for me, but i think he's adorable. c) ...the rest of the cast is pretty awesome too: Chloe Sevigny in platform shoes, Wilson Cruz (aka. Rickie out of My so called life) with leather hats and angel wings, Seth Green smoking crack for breakfast) I did watch Out of Africa, too. It was still a pretty good movie, although I was slightly irritated by Meryl Streeps accent in the original version (I had only seen it in german before). [My mother thinks the fact that i dont understand how sexy Robert Redford is shows how gay i really am...] ..uhm if you havent seen this: they are lions. // there is meryl streep.// --> they fight(guess who wins..)// maybe you can enjoy robert redford more than me..// I never finished Vampyros Lesbos - I think there is only so much camp that I can take in my own language - i had a nightmare about these first five minutes.. edit/ p.s.: i watched this a dozen times yesterday:
It's been a long time. I'm almost too embarrassed about that to post again. But since someone subtly hinted that i should, here i am. And i just happen to have watched two movies this night. Actually had started to watch the third one just before writing this post.
Let's start with that one. Vampyros Lesbos. I have only seen 5 minutes of it so far. There was a ship and a mosque. And a woman making out with her own image in the mirror. That was before she turned around to make out with another woman who apparently tried to look like a mannquin doll and moved robot-like. Also in those five minutes I saw a man with the creepiest mustache ever. This movie might actually be funnier to watch than I anticipated. I haven't seen any vampires yet, though.
The other 2 movies i saw tonight were: The Constant Gardener and The Last King of Scotland. Both actually very recommendable. I especially liked the photography in the constant gardener. I didnt think it would be that good while watching the first fifteen minutes though. The main character(Ralph Fiennes as Justin Quayle) wasnt at all appealing to me. But Rachel Weisz was. Which made the film so sad. Anyways as the story develops it becomes quite an interesting movie and as i said, the images are awesome, i think i'd watch the movie for that alone.
The Last King of Scotland is a more classical narrative, but with an awesome Forest Whitaker in the leading role. Gillian Anderson plays some doctor's wife and looks completely like Dr. Quinn. Which was slightly irritating.
I have to watch a lot of movies about africa over the next few weeks, so this topic might come up again. What are your favourite movies set in africa(kenya and ugunda preferably)? I can't say i have seen many until now. The only one that came to mind when I thought about it was 'Out of Africa' and of course for that i have to thank my dear mother, since that used to be one of her favourite films back in the eighties/early nineties.
I woke up today because a band was playing in front of my house, waiting for people to open their windows and give them something for the music. Since I liked what they played a lot, that's exactly what I did, not realising that I was still in my pyjamas and had very messed up hair. The whole scenery reminded me a lot of the Emir Kusturica films. Also the fact that they played balkan music. So I thought I'd make a top 5 list of Kusturica movies. The problem is, I have only seen four of his movies so far and I loved them all: Time of the Gypsies, Arizona Dream, Underground and Black Cat, White Cat. I guess if I had to pick a favourite it would be Black Cat, White Cat. Who wouldn't like a movie where you see a pig eating a car? Anyways, the music is good in all of his movies, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that he's a musician as well as a director. Here is a video of his band The No Smoking Orchestra, who made the music for Black Cat, White Cat:
Telegram Girl: [dancing wildly, while singing in an absurdly high soprano] A-a-a-a-a-a-A-a-a-a-a-a-a-A-a-a-a-a-a-a-A-A! Mrs Ida Lowry requests the pleasure of your COMPANYYYY! At her APARTMENT TONIIIIGHTT! For eight thirtee-EE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-EE, to MIDNIGHTTT! To celebrate the completion of her recent cosmetic SURGERYYY! E-e-e-e-e-e-E-e-e-e-e-e-E! wwwWWAAAAAAIIIIIIIII! [very long pause, Sam glances around nervously] Sam Lowry: ummm... Thanks. Telegram Girl: It's reply paid. Sam Lowry: Is it? [telegram girl nods] Sam Lowry: oh... um... two, three, Sam Lowry: [singing] Mother, I am sorry that I am unable to come to your parrrttty... Telegram Girl: You DON'T have to sing it! Sam Lowry: I don't?
^^this is from the movie Brazil by Terry Gilliam. Some points I want to make about Brazil: Number one: Brazil is a pretty good movie for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Get some ice cream, too. Number two: This might seem like it has aged a little in the past 22 years. There’s a truck-driving girl with short spikey hair and coveralls(supposedly not gay), a guy flying around with a golden costume in a purple sky(supposedly not gay either), also there’s a lot(!) of artificial fog. I like the look of the computers and magnified screens though. Number three: Use the following words to write a one-sentence-review about Brazil: [“dystopia”, “retro-future”, "duct", “bureaucrate”,"breakfast machine", “1984”/”orwellesque”, “allegory”, “cellophane”] Number four: Apparently this is one of the movies teenage girls hate. They give it 4/10 stars. The imdb community is appalled. Number five: The allegory of a totalitarian dystopia works well in this, eventhough it is neither very new nor very subtle (originally Brazil was supposed to be called 1984 ½). Number six: When I first watched this film I imagined how some stoner computer game programmer saw it and then invented Super Mario by copying the character of Harry Tuttle. That's probably not true but I like the idea so much that I won’t try to find out anytime soon. Number seven: If you like Brazil, you might enjoy some of the earlier Jean-Pierre Jeunet films like Delicatessen and La Cité des Enfants Perdu. Number eight: I dreamed a gang of girl ninjas flew through the window in my room after I watched this movie. Please don’t try to interpret this dream for me. (I probably should also either say something meaningful about plastic surgery or make a witty reference to Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment and silly old people, but this is long enough already. And I hated 10th grade english.) --- Good luck to the frenchies for their elections today!
hello. Meet my brand new blog. I more or less stole the title from a very good documentary about David Lynch**. Which leads me to the subject of this: Movies!! It will be full of movie reviews, my favourite movie quotes and discussions about adorable actresses and their eyebrows (yeah, thats one of my obsessions- you will learn about the others later). The first quote I got for you is from the original Sabrina movie from 1954 (don't forget to imagine a heavy french accent here).
"And now, mes dames et messieurs, soon we will see how you have learnt the lesson of the souffle. The souffle, it must be gay. Gay. Like two butterflies dancing the waltz in the summer breeze. Very well. You have five seconds!"
If you want me to review a certain film or you want your favourite movie quote posted here, email me:
Of course I can't promise to always stay on topic. It might for example just happen that I post some pictures of a concert I saw. Simply because it amuses me to see Lovefoxxx pointing at her pussy. bisous, matilda.