Tuesday, July 24, 2007

3 a.m. post

writing in german all day my english seems to escape me these days.

i have watched a few movies that i liked a lot but since i'm always blogging late at night these days and also talked about the films on msn a lot (-->you probably already heard me blabble about them), i will just list them here and give you two or three good reasons to watch them(if you havent yet).

Les Poupées Russe:
a) it's the sequel of L'Auberge Espangole (or Euro Pudding if you are from America) and that film is awesome.
b) Cécile De France+ gayness = me smiling // the little lesbian subplot is not exactly free of clichés, but it's hilarious.
c) the street of ideal proportions. you need to find out what that is. seriously.

Party Monster:
a) 80s costumes galore mixed with crazy amounts of drugs and gay boys. How can anyone say no to this?
b) Macaulay Culkin - that might just be a reason for me, but i think he's adorable.
c) ...the rest of the cast is pretty awesome too: Chloe Sevigny in platform shoes, Wilson Cruz (aka. Rickie out of My so called life) with leather hats and angel wings, Seth Green smoking crack for breakfast)

I did watch Out of Africa, too. It was still a pretty good movie, although I was slightly irritated by Meryl Streeps accent in the original version (I had only seen it in german before). [My mother thinks the fact that i dont understand how sexy Robert Redford is shows how gay i really am...]
..uhm if you havent seen this:
they are lions. // there is meryl streep.// --> they fight(guess who wins..)//  maybe you can enjoy robert redford more than me..//

I never finished Vampyros Lesbos - I think there is only so much camp that I can take in my own language - i had a nightmare about these first five minutes..

edit/ p.s.:

i watched this a dozen times yesterday:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i've add one and all to my "must watch" list.

thank you very much...oh and try to finish vampyros lesbos...its umm funny?